Shams Mohajerzadeh

7 records found

Field Effect Transistors

High-Performance Phosphorene-Based Transistors Using a Novel Exfoliation-Free Direct Crystallization on Silicon Substrates (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 17/2020)

One-dimensional heterostructures, based on functionalities of dissimilar materials within a monolithic structure, are promising building blocks for different applications. Herein, utilizing surface decoration of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with hydrogenated graphitic ca ...
Metal-assisted etching of silicon in HF/H2O2 aqueous solutions has been used to fabricate luminescent silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and porous silicon. The impact of the gold catalyst layer thickness and the etching solution on the morphology of the synthesized ...
The formation of high sensitivity-wide dynamic range field emission pressure sensors based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is reported. In this work, CNTs are grown inside an array of micromachined holes in order to ensure a high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range by allowing anode- ...
We report a novel method for the formation of hollow rod silicon nanostructures via plasma treated nanosphere lithography and reactive ion etching. The plasma treatment of polystyrene nanospheres (PS-NS) with O 2 and methanol-O2 gases is studied as a functio ...
Silicon nanocrystals with dimensions of about 3 to 4 nm are fabricated by hydrogenation of amorphous silicon layers with thickness of about 15 nm. The strong binding of nanocrystals to the amorphous matrix, which prevents them from showing luminescence, is broken up by a plasma t ...