Bo Tian
3 records found
Mapping Tidal Flat Changes and Determining Drivers in China's Coastal Zones
An Efficient and Reproducible Remote Sensing Method
The dynamic coastal zones, marked by rich biodiversity and rapid transformations due to human activities, present a challenging environment for monitoring and management. Tidal flats, a key natural feature of these zones, are increasingly subjected to anthropogenic stress, rising
Salt marshes provide crucial ecological functions and services and are experiencing rapid losses and degradation under global climate changes and high-intensity human activities in coastal zone. However, mapping salt marsh distributions and compositions with high accuracy on the
The morphology of the Yangtze Estuary has changed substantially at decadal time scales in response to natural processes,
local human interference and reduced sediment supply. Due to its high sediment load, the morphodynamic response time
of the estuary is short, providing a valua