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R Jaumann
Academic Work (5)
Abstract (1)
Conference paper (2)
Report (2)
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5 records found
JUICE JUpiter ICy moons Explorer: Exploring the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants
Report (2014) -
H. Hussmann (author)
P Palumbo (author)
L Bruzzone (author)
J Plaut (author)
JE Wahlund (author)
B Cecconi (author)
P Hartogh (author)
R Gladstone (author)
L Iess (author)
DJ Stevenson (author)
Y Kaspi (author)
O Grasset (author)
R Jaumann (author)
L Fletcher (author)
M Dougherty (author)
Y Langevin (author)
G. Piccioni (author)
S Barabash (author)
P Wurz (author)
P van den Brandt (author)
L. I. Gurvits (author)
Radio science observations of the Mars Express December 2013 phobos flyby and implications for the satellite¿s gravity field
Abstract (2014) -
T Andert (author)
M Paetzold (author)
S Pogrebenko (author)
T.M. Bocanegra-Bahamon (author)
G Cimo (author)
D Duev (author)
G Molera Calves (author)
P Rosenblatt (author)
V Lainey (author)
A Pasewaldt (author)
J Oberst (author)
R Jaumann (author)
W Thuillot (author)
S Remus (author)
Leonid I. Gurvits (author)
Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE): Science Objectives, Mission and Instruments
Conference paper (2014) -
Leonid Gurvits (author)
JJ Plaut (author)
H Hussmann (author)
L Iess (author)
R Jaumann (author)
Y Langevin (author)
P Palumbo (author)
G. Piccioni (author)
D Titov (author)
JE Wahlund (author)
S Barabash (author)
L Bruzzone (author)
M. Dougherty (author)
C Erd (author)
L Fletcher (author)
R Gladstone (author)
O Grasset (author)
P Hartogh (author)
The Jupiter icy moons explorer (JUICE): Complementarity of the payload in addressing the mission science objectives
Conference paper (2014) -
O Grasset (author)
N Altobelli (author)
P Hartogh (author)
H Hussmann (author)
R Jaumann (author)
L Iess (author)
Y Langevin (author)
P Palumbo (author)
G. Piccioni (author)
D Titov (author)
JE Wahlund (author)
S Barabash (author)
L Bruzzone (author)
M. Dougherty (author)
C Erd (author)
L Fletcher (author)
P Gare (author)
R Gladstone (author)
Leonid Gurvits (author)