Martin Monperrus

13 records found


Automatic program repair (APR) aims to reduce the cost of manually fixing software defects. However, APR suffers from generating a multitude of overfitting patches, those patches that fail to correctly repair the defect beyond making the tests pass. This paper presents a novel ...

Automatic program repair papers tend to repeatedly use the same benchmarks. This poses a threat to the external validity of the findings of the program repair research community. In this paper, we perform an empirical study of automatic repair on a benchmark of bugs called Qui ...

Over the last few years, the complexity of web applications has increased to provide more dynamic web applications to users. The drawback of this complexity is the growing number of errors in the front-end applications. In this paper, we present an approach to provide self-hea ...

The adoption of agile approaches has put an increased emphasis on testing, resulting in extensive test suites. These suites include a large number of tests, in which developers embed knowledge about meaningful input data and expected properties as oracles. This article surveys ...

Alleviating patch overfitting with automatic test generation

A study of feasibility and effectiveness for the Nopol repair system

Among the many different kinds of program repair techniques, one widely studied family of techniques is called test suite based repair. However, test suites are in essence input-output specifications and are thus typically inadequate for completely specifying the expected beha ...

Travis CI handles automatically thousands of builds every day to, amongst other things, provide valuable feedback to thousands of open-source developers. In this paper, we investigate Travis CI to firstly understand who is using it, and when they start to use it. Secondly, we ...

Dissection of a bug dataset

Anatomy of 395 patches from Defects4J

Well-designed and publicly available datasets of bugs are an invaluable asset to advance research fields such as fault localization and program repair as they allow directly and fairly comparison between competing techniques and also the replication of experiments. These datas ...

High-availability of software systems requires automated handling of crashes in presence of errors. Failure-oblivious computing is one technique that aims to achieve high availability. We note that failure-obliviousness has not been studied in depth yet, and there is very few ...


Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs

We propose Nopol, an approach to automatic repair of buggy conditional statements (i.e., if-then-else statements). This approach takes a buggy program as well as a test suite as input and generates a patch with a conditional expression as output. The test suite is required to ...

Null pointer exceptions (NPE) are the number one cause of uncaught crashing exceptions in production. In this paper, we aim at exploring the search space of possible patches for null pointer exceptions with metaprogramming. Our idea is to transform the program under repair wit ...

We present an original concept for patch generation: we propose to do it directly in production. Our idea is to generate patches on-the-fly based on automated analysis of the failure context. By doing this in production, the repair process has complete access to the system sta ...

Automatic repair of real bugs in java

A large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset

Defects4J is a large, peer-reviewed, structured dataset of real-world Java bugs. Each bug in Defects4J comes with a test suite and at least one failing test case that triggers the bug. In this paper, we report on an experiment to explore the effectiveness of automatic test-sui ...


Dynamic code synthesis for automatic program repair

Automatic software repair is the process of automatically fixing bugs. The Nopol repair system [4] repairs Java code using code synthesis. We have designed a new code synthesis engine for Nopol based on dynamic exploration, it is called DynaMoth. The main design goal is to be ...