G. Mangone

11 records found


The integration of high-quality nature spaces into urban areas can be an effective strategy to reverse the current decline in children's well-being. However, the effectiveness of these nature spaces depends on a myriad of design and contextual factors. This paper identifies effec ...
The type and range of tasks that knowledge workers conduct has received considerable attention by a myriad of research domains over the last century. However, the relative value of various typical workspace types for performing a variety of typical work tasks has received relativ ...

Microforest HVAC

Prestaties van kwaliteit gebaseerde klimaatsystemen

Traditionele kantoor- en werkomgevingen en de bijbehorende klimaatsystemen hebben een negatief effect op de gebruiker en de gebouwprestatie. Het resultaat is een excessief energiegebruik, lage productiviteit, verminderde mate van creativiteit en vermindert het algemene welbevinde ...