Driving a significant part of the global economy, fashion represents one of the world’s leading industries. Currently, the fashion industry is radically reshaping by the forces of technology, globalisation and shifting consumer values. The top 3 words executives used to describe
Driving a significant part of the global economy, fashion represents one of the world’s leading industries. Currently, the fashion industry is radically reshaping by the forces of technology, globalisation and shifting consumer values. The top 3 words executives used to describe the fashion industry in 2016 were: uncertain, changing and challenging (Source BoF-McKinsey Global Fashion Survey, September 2016) In order to stay relevant amidst this state of flux, fashion companies are being forced to innovate. So is Philips-Von Heusen Corporation, parent company of several well-known fashion brands, among which Tommy Hilfiger.
PVH’s main priority for innovation is focused on their product. For Tommy Hilfiger this means exploring opportunities of the Internet of Things, with wearable technology as a subset of it. This graduation project was executed to kick off innovation in this area: creating an innovation roadmap and design proposal for wearable technologies for Tommy Hilfiger to enhance consumer experience.