To reduce the environmental impact of built environment, a circular approach needs to be implemented on all levels. Resources often travel great distances to their consumers, which leads to an inefficient and wasteful supply chain. Thus, by moving to localized production of all r
To reduce the environmental impact of built environment, a circular approach needs to be implemented on all levels. Resources often travel great distances to their consumers, which leads to an inefficient and wasteful supply chain. Thus, by moving to localized production of all resources needed to sustain a small
village can be greatly reduced. This research intends to explore the possibilities of a self-sufficient village applying known technologies to all energy and material flows. Achieving full autarky is therefore a key aspect of the plan. The demands of water, food and energy will be researched and from this a quantified
plan will emerge that can serve as design guidelines. The village will be placed in the Dutch sub-urban context of Parkstad, which is known for population decline and changing demographics. This region will be presented by IBA as a regional incubator of sustainable innovations by the year 2020. It is therefore essential to attract people of all age groups to seize this opportunity and collaborate for a sustainable and diverse living environment.