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M.A. Sharifi Kolarijani

12 records found


We propose two novel numerical schemes for the approximate implementation of the dynamic programming (DP) operation concerned with finite-horizon optimal control of discrete-time systems with input-affine dynamics. The proposed algorithms involve discretization of the state and i ...

Finite-Dimensional Approximation in Dual Domain

With Applications in Opinion Dynamics and Dynamic Programming

This thesis is comprised of two main parts. In the first part of the thesis, we study the nonlinear Fokker-Planck (FP) equation that arises as a mean-field (macroscopic) approximation of the bounded confidence opinion dynamics, where opinions are influenced by environmental noise ...
In this study, we consider the infinite-horizon, discounted cost, optimal control of stochastic nonlinear systems with separable cost and constraints in the state and input variables. Using the linear-time Legendre transform, we propose a novel numerical scheme for implementation ...

In this article, we study the nonlinear Fokker-Planck (FP) equation that arises as a mean-field (macroscopic) approximation of bounded confidence opinion dynamics, where opinions are influenced by environmental noises and opinions of radicals (stubborn individuals). The distri ...

In this paper, we consider the mean-field model of noisy bounded confidence opinion dynamics under exogenous influence of static radical opinions. The long-term behavior of the model is analyzed by providing a sufficient condition for exponential convergence of the dynamics to ...


Market Making in Limit Order Books

Using Reinforcement Learning

Market making, the act of providing liquidity to the market by simultaneously buying and selling, is a difficult problem to solve. The use of reinforcement learning to solve for market making is increasing, as academics and practitioners alike look for novel ways to approximate f ...
As a component of lithography machine, the wafer table plays an important role during wafer
exposure. The surface flatness condition of the WT will cause focus and overlay errors during
exposure and directly affect wafer distortion levels. This project takes advantage o ...
This thesis introduces a new method, called Mixed Iteration, for controlling Markov Decision Processes when partial information is known about the dynamics of the Markov Decision Process. The algorithm uses sampling to calculate the expectation of partially known dynamics in stoc ...
In the field of Systems and Control, optimal control problem-solving for complex systems is a core task. The development of accurate mathematical models to represent these systems’ dynamics is often difficult. This complexity comes from potential uncertainties, complex non-linear ...
In decision making problems, the ability to compute the optimal solution can pose a serious challenge. Dynamic Programming (DP) aims to provide a framework to deal with a category of such problems, namely ones that involve sequential decision making. By dividing the original cont ...
The rising number of electricity consumers poses a challenge to power generators and grid operators in maintaining a balanced grid. Peak shaving is a technique that consists of shifting electricity consumption from hours of high demand to times of low demand, and has been gaining ...

Fast Dynamic Programming

A Numerical Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems

A well-established method for finding the optimal control policy for a given dynamical system is to solve the problem iteratively going from its terminal state "backwards" in time, known as Dynamic Programming Algorithm. For a generic problem with discrete state/action space, the ...