J Groeneweg
9 records found
Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is a standard tool in some high-risk industries (such as the on- and offshore exploration and production and chemical industry). Presently, existing knowledge concerning human error likelihood and human reliability assessment is insufficiently rep
The phase-averaged wave model Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) is often used for the design of dikes and harbors. However, various hindcast studies have shown that SWAN underpredicts the wave energy when waves are penetrating into bathymetries with shallow areas traversed by cha
The Guyana coastal system is characterized by very thick deposits of Amazon mud and high mud concentrations in its coastal waters. The mud deposits can be quite soft and may liquefy under incoming waves. Subsequently, the liquefied mud damps the incoming waves effectively. This p
An extensive data set of waves propagating over a shoal on a beach has been obtained from measurements in a three-dimensional physical model. The data set has been used to validate the two-dimensional Boussinesq-type wave model TRITON. In particular the performance of the impleme
The Boussinesq-type modeling concept provides an adequate and efficient means to describe wave dynamics in coastal regions. They are an extension of the depth-averaged shallow-water model and include the propagation of short waves as well as nonlinear effects. The Boussinesq-type
A procedure is presented for the dynamic handling of the boundaries of Boussinesq-type wave models that enables to control the reflection properties. The main purpose of the procedure is the reduction of spurious reflections at open boundaries. The procedure also allows, however,
There are numerous ways to derive a system of 2D Boussinesq-type wave equations from the 3D potential flow equation with free-surface boundary conditions. This freedom in design is exploited here to derive a Boussinesq-type model that has a number of unique properties. It describ