Xinyue Zhao
3 records found
Establishing a decision-support system for eco-design of biological wastewater treatment
A case study of bioaugmented constructed wetland
Deep treatment is a common approach to enhance pollutant removal for biological wastewater treatment technologies (BWTTs), and life cycle assessment (LCA) holds substantial advantages to support process optimization. However, there lacks of LCA-based benchmarks that cover human-n
HIT.WATER scheme
An integrated LCA-based decision-support platform for evaluation of wastewater discharge limits
Determination of appropriate effluent quality limits (EQL) for wastewater treatment plants in China is a complicated process involving multiple factors that need joint consideration. Based on advantages of compiling the energy and material flows as well as the emissions into air,
Life cycle assessment in wastewater treatment:
Influence of site-oriented normalization factors, life cycle impact assessment methods, and weighting methods
This present study aims to analyze the differences in results of different site-directional life cycle assessment
(LCA) methods applied in the field of wastewater treatment. Site-generic methods were employed and
compared with China-specific methods on a full-scale wastew ...
(LCA) methods applied in the field of wastewater treatment. Site-generic methods were employed and
compared with China-specific methods on a full-scale wastew ...