10 records found

Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA) is known for robust and reliable finite element simulations of masonry constructions, often considered challenging because of the brittle behaviour of the masonry material. Herein a sequence of scaled linear analyses is performed with decreasing ...
Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an event-by-event solution strategy in which a sequence of scaled linear analyses with decreasing secant stiffness is performed, representing local damage increments; is a robust alternative to nonlinear finite element analysis of quasi-brittle ...
In the finite element modelling of masonry structures, the micro-modelling technique of differentiating the continuum into a linear elastic bulk, and interfaces representing non-linear joints is common. However, this approach of simulating cracking-crushing-shearing failure possi ...

Non-proportional loading in sequentially linear solution procedures for quasi-brittle fracture

A comparison and perspective on the mechanism of stress redistribution

Sequentially linear solution procedures provide a robust alternative to their traditional incremental-iterative counterparts for finite element simulation of quasi-brittle materials. Sequentially linear analysis (SLA), one such non-incremental (total) approach, has been extended ...

Simulating quasi-brittle failure in structures using Sequentially Linear Methods

Studies on non-proportional loading, constitutive modelling, and computational efficiency

Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA) is a proven robust alternative to incremental-iterative solution methods in nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA) of quasi-brittle specimen. The core of the method is in its departure from a load, displacement or arc-length driven incrementa ...
Sequentially linear analysis (SLA), a non-incremental-iterative approach towards finite element simulation of quasi-brittle materials, is based on sequentially identifying a critical integration point in the model, to reduc ...
Sequentially linear analysis (SLA), an event-by-event procedure for finite element (FE) simulation of quasi-brittle materials, is based on sequentially identifying a critical integration point in the FE model, to reduce its strength and stiffness, and the corresponding critical l ...
This article presents a new non-proportional loading strategy for Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), which is a robust secant stiffness based procedure for nonlinear finite element analysis of quasi-brittle materials, like concrete and masonry. The strategy is based on finding t ...
In recent years induced seismicity in the north of the Netherlands has considerably increased. The built environment in the region mainly consists of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. Those buildings were not designed for seismic loads and have specific characteristics, that ...
Induced seismicity in the Groningen region of the Netherlands has led to a large scale testing campaign on Calcium silicate element masonry structures at Delft University of Technology. An overview of the finite element analysis (FEA) using an implicit solver, on the full scale q ...