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D. Potoglou
Academic Work (21)
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Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (12)
Journal article (7)
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21 records found
Quantifying individuals¿ trade-offs between privacy, liberty and security: the case of rail travel in UK
Journal article (2010) -
D. Potoglou (author)
N Robinson (author)
C-W Kim (author)
P Burge (author)
R Warnes (author)
Security, at what cost? A stated preference approach toward understanding individuals' privacy and civil liberties trade-offs regarding security measures
Conference paper (2010) -
N Robinson (author)
D. Potoglou (author)
Quantifying individuals' trade-offs across privacy, liberty & security: the case of rail travel in UK
Conference paper (2009) -
D. Potoglou (author)
N Robinson (author)
CW Kim (author)
P Burge (author)
R Warnes (author)
Quantifying individuals' trade-offs between privacy, liberty & security: the case of rail travel in UK
Conference paper (2009) -
D. Potoglou (author)
N Robinson (author)
CW Kim (author)
P Burge (author)
R Warnes (author)
Disaggregate demand analyses for conventional and alternative fuelled automobiles: a review
Journal article (2008) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Comparison of phone and web-based surveys for collecting household background information
Conference paper (2008) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Comparison of vehicle ownership models
Conference paper (2008) -
D Potoglou (author)
Y Susilo (author)
Vehicle-type choice and neighbourhood characteristics
Journal article (2008) -
D. Potoglou (author)
Modelling car ownership in urban areas: a case study of Hamilton, Canada
Journal article (2008) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Household demand and willingness to pay for clean vehicles
Journal article (2007) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Vehicle-type choice & neighbourhood characteristics: the case of Hamilton, Canada
Conference paper (2007) -
D. Potoglou (author)
Het verzamelen van gegevens via Internet: de keuze voor voertuigen op alternatieve brandstof
Conference paper (2007) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
B. Wiegmans (author)
An internet-based stated choices household survey for alternative fuelled vehicles
Journal article (2007) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Comparison of dissagregate car ownership models
Conference paper (2007) -
D Potoglou (author)
Y Susilo (author)
An integrated modelling framework for vehicular carbon monoxide concentrations in urban areas
Book chapter (2007) -
D. Potoglou (author)
Elderly mobility: demographic and spatial analysis of trip making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada
Journal article (2007) -
A Paez (author)
DM Scott (author)
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
KB Newbold (author)
Household demand for alternative fuelled vehicles in Hamelton, Canada
Conference paper (2006) -
D. Potoglou (author)
A mixed ordered probit analysis of elderly trip generation in the Hamilton CMA
Conference paper (2006) -
A Paez (author)
DM Scott (author)
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
KB Newbold (author)
Analysis of automobile ownership in Hamilton, Canada
Conference paper (2006) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)
Potential demand for household alternative fuelled vehicles
Conference paper (2006) -
D. Potoglou (author)
PS Kanaroglou (author)