Stepping strategy, including step time and step location modulation, and hip strategy, i.e., upper-body movement, play crucial roles in achieving robust humanoid locomotion. However, exploiting these balance strategies in a unified and flexible manner has not been well addressed.
Stepping strategy, including step time and step location modulation, and hip strategy, i.e., upper-body movement, play crucial roles in achieving robust humanoid locomotion. However, exploiting these balance strategies in a unified and flexible manner has not been well addressed. In this article, we propose a sequential convex optimization approach. Based on the linear inverted pendulum model, we modulate step parameters, including step location and step time, using quadratically constrained quadratic programming in real time. Then, based on the nonlinear inverted pendulum plus flywheel model, we regulate angular momentum using the linear model predictive control. To accommodate for scenarios with height variation, we consider nonlinear 3-D locomotion dynamics explicitly. The proposed approach is validated via comparison studies and extensive experiments on the humanoid with planar and linear feet. The results demonstrate enhanced robustness against dynamic disturbances and adaptability to real-world scenarios. On average, the enhanced stepping strategy rejects 135% larger external forces than our previous article. Also, robust locomotion across height-varying stepping stones is realized, which is rarely reported for a humanoid robot with planar feet.