J.S. Broadhead

6 records found


As we navigate the physical and digital world, we unknowingly leave behind an immense trail of data. We are informed about this via lengthy documents (e.g., privacy policies) or short statements (e.g., cookie popups). However, even when we know that data is collected, we remain l ...
Age of Information (AoI) is a key metric to understand data freshness in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In this paper we analyse an intermittently—powered IoT sensor-with mixed-memory (volatile and non-volatile) architecture—that uses a Time-Dependent Checkpointing (TDC) schem ...

Intermittent computing could be combined with low-powered visible light communication systems to facilitate novel sensor networks. This position paper provides a framework for future research by highlighting synergies between the technologies, and explores how techniques devel ...


Designing Decisions

How can Data Visualisation Influence Better Economic Decision-Making

Decision-making in professional fields has made a stark transition away from utility as the comparative metric in neoclassical economic frameworks. The result of which means a step towards the use of non-equatable variables for calculating the comparability between material, ener ...
This project addresses a significant gap in the accessibility of Virtual Reality (VR) technology, particularly for users with hand impairments, including amputations. While VR has rapidly advanced, offering immersive experiences across gaming and professional applications, it oft ...

Empowering healthcare beyond boundaries

Introducing a frugal laparoscopic camera holder for low resource settings in India

Recently, the world population has crossed 8 million people and it is estimated that out of every three persons two cannot afford surgery (Meara et al., 2015a). Surgery is the primary treatment for one-third of the diseases (Quene et al., 2022), but since 6 percent of all procedu ...