Jose M. Valles
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This paper is a step forward in the effort to create an appropriate open-access library of benchmark test systems for offline and real-time simulations. The library will consist of 13 test systems for steady-state and dynamic power system analysis considering different relevant features (topology, control mode and element details). In this scientific paper, the authors selected one of the test systems, the 5-bus test transmission system, in meshed topology. Details of its implementation using several power system analysis platforms for offline and online/real-time simulation. Offline steady-state performance results are presented using PowerWorld, DIgSILENT PowerFactory and IPSA. Plots of the main electromechanical variables of the time-domain response considering a generator outage are presented using offline simulations from PowerFactory and real-time simulation ePHASORSIM. Simulation results show very minimal discrepancies between the results considering different platforms.
@enThis paper presents a simple validation of ePHASORSIM's user-defined model of a Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) suitable for real-time simulations. The validation consists of a software-to-software comparison of the real-time simulator ePHASORSIM against the offline transient simulation tool PowerFactory. The comparison evaluates the models in the native library and user-defined models imported to ePHASORSIM. These user-defined models are coded in a Modelica environment and imported as a functional mock-up unit (FMU) model-the dynamic model of a voltage source converter operating as a VSM was implemented to test this functionality. A modified version of the IEEE 39-bus New England system was used for testing and validation. The time series from each (software) transient simulation were compared using the percentage error and the mean percentage error (MPE); the results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed approach.