M.L.A. Kouwenhoven
8 records found
This study proposes a novel Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based method to derive the Value-of-Travel-Time (VTT) distribution. The strength of this method is that it is possible to uncover the VTT distribution (and its moments) without making assumptions about the shape of the d
The value of travel time is an important input to cost-benefit analysis of transport projects. Time gains are often one of the main benefits of transport projects, but they need to be converted from hours and minutes to money units, using a value of travel time. Many countries ar
It was twenty years ago today
Revisiting time-of-day choice in the Netherlands
Time-of-day (TOD) choice can be considered as a fifth stage in the modelling of transport behaviour, additional to the conventional four stages. Twenty years ago in The Netherlands, a stated preference (SP) study was designed for investigating the choice of time-of-day (departure
The Value-of-Travel-Time (VTT) expresses travel time gains into monetary benefits. In the field of transport, this measure plays a decisive role in the Cost-Benefit Analyses of transport policies and infrastructure projects as well as in travel demand modelling. Traditionally, th
The value of travel time can theoretically be defined as the opportunity cost of travel minus the direct utility from spending the time during the trip. This paper searches for empirical evidence to support this formulation. We show that travellers who indicate that a shorter tri
Until 2016, the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Research annually explained the development of train passenger kilometres over the preceding ten years by using the national development of its drivers (such as population growth and train kilometers), as w