Eric Frew

4 records found

Leveraging autonomous systems in safety-critical scenarios requires verifying their behaviors in the presence of uncertainties and black-box components that influence the system dynamics. In this work, we develop a framework for verifying discrete-time dynamical systems with unmo ...
Verifying the performance of safety-critical, stochastic systems with complex noise distributions is difficult. We introduce a general procedure for the finite abstraction of nonlinear stochastic systems with nonstandard (e.g., non-affine, non-symmetric, non-unimodal) noise distr ...
Autonomous systems often have complex and possibly unknown dynamics due to, e.g., black-box components. This leads to unpredictable behaviors and makes control design with performance guarantees a major challenge. This paper presents a data-driven control synthesis framework for ...
We present a data-driven framework for strategy synthesis for partially-known switched stochastic systems. The properties of the system are specified using linear temporal logic (LTL) over finite traces (LTLf), which is as expressive as LTL and enables interpretations over finite ...