The main question which this thesis research answers is: “How do Dutch regional water authorities (WS) perform project risk management practices in infrastructural projects and which areas for improvement can be identified?” The initial hypothesis prior to this thesis research wa
The main question which this thesis research answers is: “How do Dutch regional water authorities (WS) perform project risk management practices in infrastructural projects and which areas for improvement can be identified?” The initial hypothesis prior to this thesis research was that risk management is almost non-existent and/or should be completely developed within the water authority. This hypothesis was based on the findings of previous researches, which concluded that risk management is either non-existing (Scholten 2007) or has to be completely developed as part of project steering and control (Taskforce 2010). The overriding conclusion in this thesis is that risk management is currently part of integral project management at the WS. The history and the resulting culture results in a risk aware organisation in which the necessity and importance of performing risk management in projects is naturally understood. In all projects analyzed, elements of risk management were identified. Risks were assessed from different perspectives, control measures were selected and performed and time and cost contingency for risk control were in place. Experts recognize that also other WS have (started to) professionalize(d) their entire project management practices. Especially those WS that participated in large projects for the program ‘Ruimte voor de rivier’ have already professionalized and also WS that are now conducting large projects in the High Water Protection Program (HWBP) are in the process of professionalizing their project management practices including includes risk management.