H.J. de Vries
14 records found
This paper focuses on technology battles that are fought in network industries. The literature primarily focuses on battles that have occurred in single industries. With the convergence of industries, products that originate from different industries can be connected in technolog
In many markets, battles are fought over technology standards. Often, these battles result in a single standard that achieves dominance. Decision making in standards battles is complex due to the lack of insights about the factors that influence the outcome of such battles. These
The outcome of battles between competing interface formats shapes technology fields and implies success or failure for the companies involved. Recently, this journal published a paper, which proposes a new framework of factors that impact the outcome of such battles. We apply thi
Automation systems for buildings interconnect components and technologies from the information technology industry and the telecommunications industry. In these industries, existing platforms and new platforms (that are designed to make building automation systems work) compete f
The literature has dedicated significant attention to the effects of standard-supporting, interorganizational networks on the content of standards and standard survival. However, minimal attention has been paid to the effects of the standard’s characteristics and dynamics on thes
In this study, we apply a step-by-step approach for the identification of standards for home networking. We develop a classification and we use this classification to categorize sixty-four (sets of) standards. By developing this categorization, we have brought order to the chaos