27 records found
Dynamics of single rising bubbles in neutrally buoyant liquid-solid suspensions
Rapid microfluidic screening of CO2 solubility and diffusion in pure and mixed solvents
Intensifying the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by reactor structuring - a model study
Intensifying the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by reactor structuring - A model study
Dynamics of single rising bubbles in a slurry system
Microfluidic systems for the analysis of viscoelastic fluid flow phenomena in porous media
Microfluidic characterization of novel solvents for CO2 precombustion capture
Can we control the hydrodynamics of slurry bubble columns?
Dynamics of single rising bubbles in a liquid-solid system
Microfluidic charaterization of novel solvents for co2 precombustion capture
Smart slurry systems
Rapid microfluidic solvent screening
Microchannels analogues for the study of viscoelastic fluid flows through porous media
Intensified operation of slurry bubble columns using structured gas injection
Gas fraction and bubble dynamics in structured slurry bubble columns