Guido Musso

5 records found

The importance of physico-chemical processes at the particle scale for the engineering scale behaviour of fine-grained geomaterials is undisputed. Yet, despite great advances in the discipline, experimental evidence that fully resolves the clay micromechanics i.e. linking the evo ...
Cement-bentonite cut-off walls are commonly employed in geoenvironmental applications to limit ground water flow and pollutant transport. The wide diffusion of this artificial material in the current practice is not only due to its low permeability, but also to its simplicity of ...
Soils used in earth construction projects are mostly unsaturated, and they undergo frequent drying–wetting cycles (repeated hydraulic loads) due to changes in climatic conditions or variations of the ground water level, particularly at shallow depths. After compaction, changes in ...
The paper focuses on the hydromechanical behaviour of an unsaturated compacted clayey silt, accounting for fabric changes induced by drying–wetting cycles occurring at low stress levels. The response along isotropic compression and triaxial compression (shear) at constant water c ...
A comprehensive description of the water retention behaviour of unsaturated soils requires accounting for the hysteresis caused by hydraulic and mechanical wetting-drying cycles. A hysteretic water retention model is proposed by introducing the liquid-solid contact angle to accou ...