Eveline I.P. Volcke
15 records found
Sensor availability and costs are nowadays no longer limiting data gathering at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, one should be aware that a higher amount of measured data gathered does not necessarily imply that also more information is obtained. In this light, this
Data evaluation for wastewater treatment plants
Linear vs bilinear mass balances
While nowadays a lot of measurements are conducted at wastewater treatment plants, data reliability could further be improved, e.g., through data reconciliation. This study demonstrated the added value of data reconciliation to improve data quality in a full-scale wastewater trea
The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) process treats wastewater with a significantly lower footprint and energy consumption compared to conventional activated sludge systems. Nevertheless, there is still potential for optimizing its performance, and mathematical models are most valua
Oxygen transfer efficiency in an aerobic granular sludge reactor
Dynamics and influencing factors of alpha
In the pursuit of reducing carbon footprint and in view of increasing energy prices, energy efficiency is more important than ever before. Batch-wise operated aerobic granular sludge reactors consume up to 50% less energy compared to conventional activated sludge systems because
This study deals with the application of data reconciliation to wastewater treatment processes which are subject to dynamic conditions and therefore do not reach a steady-state behaviour sensu stricto. The SHARON partial nitritation process, which is operated cyclically with alte
This chapter provides a review of the models available for estimating the production and emission of methane from wastewater collection and treatment systems. The details of a number of mechanistic models as well as the simplified empirical models have been summarized. Their limi
Partial nitration-anammox is a resource-efficient technology for nitrogen removal from wastewater. However, the advantages of this nitrogen removal technology are challenged by the emission of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas. In this study, a granular sludge one-stage par
This work shows how more variables can be monitored with a single off-gas sampler on sequentially operated than on continuously fed and aerated reactors and applies the methods to data from a full-scale aerobic granular sludge reactor as a demonstration and to obtain insight in t
In municipal wastewater treatment plants, some dissolved methane can enter the aerobic bioreactors. This greenhouse gas originates from sewers and return flows from anaerobic sludge treatment. In well-mixed conventional activated sludge reactors, methane emissions are largely avo
This study deals with the effect of aeration control strategies on the nitrogen removal efficiency and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in a partial nitritation–anammox reactor with granular sludge. More specifically, dissolved oxygen (DO) control, constant airflow and ef
Gas bubbles are introduced in water to absorb or strip volatile substances in a variety of unit operations, for example during (waste)water treatment. To calculate the transfer rate of substances between the liquid phase and the gas phase, different assumptions have been made in
Traditional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are increasingly regarded as water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs), reflecting the value of water, nutrients, energy and other resources, besides ensuring the required effluent quality. Resource recovery techniques involve bioc
This study deals with the potential and the limitations of dynamic models for describing and predicting nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions associated with biological nitrogen removal from wastewater. The results of a three-week monitoring campaign on a full-scale partial ni
Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to investigate the dependencies and underlying patterns between N2O emissions and online operational variables (dissolved oxygen and nitrogen component concentrations, temperature and influent flow-rate) during biological n
This work demonstrates the usefulness of non-linear data reconciliation to evaluate available measurements and estimate unmeasured variables for a full-scale partial nitritation (SHARON) reactor for the treatment of wastewater with high ammonium concentrations. Despite a lack of