
E.J.H. van Dijk

13 records found

The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) process treats wastewater with a significantly lower footprint and energy consumption compared to conventional activated sludge systems. Nevertheless, there is still potential for optimizing its performance, and mathematical models are most valua ...
The development of continuous flow reactors (CFRs) employing aerobic granular sludge (AGS) for the retrofit of existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) using a continuous-flow activated sludge (CFAS) system has garnered increasing interest. This follows the worldwide adoption ...
In the pursuit of reducing carbon footprint and in view of increasing energy prices, energy efficiency is more important than ever before. Batch-wise operated aerobic granular sludge reactors consume up to 50% less energy compared to conventional activated sludge systems because ...
In this study a mathematical framework was developed to describe aerobic granulation based on 6 main mechanisms: microbial selection, selective wasting, maximizing transport of substrate into the biofilm, selective feeding, substrate type and breakage. A numerical model was devel ...
The nitrous oxides emission was measured over 7 months in the full-scale aerobic granular sludge plant in Dinxperlo, the Netherlands. Nitrous oxide concentrations were measured in the bulk liquid and the off-gas of the Nereda® reactor. Combined with the batch wise operation of th ...
This work shows how more variables can be monitored with a single off-gas sampler on sequentially operated than on continuously fed and aerated reactors and applies the methods to data from a full-scale aerobic granular sludge reactor as a demonstration and to obtain insight in t ...
The settling behavior of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) in full-scale reactors is different from the settling of normal activated sludge. Current activated sludge models lack the features to describe the segregation of granules based on size during the settling process. This segre ...
For a stable operation, the aerobic granular sludge process requires mechanically strong granules in balance with the shear forces in the reactor. Despite a wide general interest in granular stability, the mechanical strength of both anaerobic and aerobic granular sludge received ...
The main processes contributing to elevated effluent suspended solids in the full-scale aerobic granular sludge process were studied. The two processes found to be most important were (1) rising of sludge due to degasification of nitrogen gas (produced by denitrification) and (2) ...