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AJR Heck
Academic Work (18)
Abstract (1)
Journal article (17)
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18 records found
De novo sequencing of two novel peptides homologous to calcitonin-like peptides, from skin secretion of the Chinese Frog, Odorrana schmackeri
Journal article (2015) -
G.P.C. Evaristo (author)
Martijn Pinkse (author)
PDE Verhaert (author)
T Chen (author)
L Wang (author)
S Mohammed (author)
AJR Heck (author)
I Mathes (author)
F Lottspeich (author)
C Shaw (author)
JP Albar (author)
Proteome adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to severe calorie restriction in retentostat cultures
Journal article (2014) -
N.A. Binai (author)
Markus M.M. Bisschops (author)
B van Breukelen (author)
S Mohammed (author)
Luuk Loeff (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Pascale Daran-Lapujade (author)
M Slijper (author)
The diversity of protein turnover and abundance under nitrogen-limited steady-state conditions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Journal article (2011) -
AO Helbig (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
Ton van Maris (author)
Erik de Hulster (author)
D. De Ridder (author)
J.T. Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)
Phosphorylation dynamics during early differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
Journal article (2009) -
D van Hoof (author)
JA Munoz (author)
SR Braam (author)
MWH Pinkse (author)
R Linding (author)
AJR Heck (author)
CL Mummery (author)
J Krijgsveld (author)
In vivi stable isotope labeling of fruit flies reveals post-transcriptional regulation in the maternal-to-zygotic transition
Journal article (2009) -
LW Gouw (author)
MWH Pinkse (author)
HR Vos (author)
Y Moshkin (author)
CP Verrijzer (author)
AJR Heck (author)
J Krijgsveld (author)
Modeof action of cgmp-dependent protein kinase-specific inhibitors probed by photoaffinity cross-linking mass spectrometry
Journal article (2009) -
Martijn Pinkse (author)
DT Rijkers (author)
WR Dostmann (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Online automated in vivo zebrafish phosphoproteomics: From large-scale analysis down to a single embryo
Journal article (2008) -
S Lemeer (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
S Mohammed (author)
B van Breukelen (author)
J den Hartog (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Highly robust, automated, and sensitive on line TiO2-based phosphoproteomics applied to study endogenous phosphorylation in Drosophila melanogaster
Journal article (2008) -
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
S Mohammed (author)
LW Gouw (author)
B van Breukelen (author)
HR Vos (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Chip-based enrichment and NanoLC-MS/MS analysis of phosphopeptides from whole lysates
Journal article (2008) -
S Mohammed (author)
K Kraiczek (author)
MWH Pinkse (author)
S Lemeer (author)
JJ Benschop (author)
AJR Heck (author)
The fluxes through glycolytic enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are predominantly regulated at posttranscriptional levels
Journal article (2007) -
P. Daran-Lapujade (author)
SL Rossell Aragort (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
BM Bakker (author)
W.M. van Gulik (author)
M.A.H. Luttik (author)
MJL de Groot (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Jean Marc Daran (author)
J.H. de Winde (author)
HV Westerhoff (author)
Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics of anaerobic and aerobic yeast cultures reveals post-transcriptional regulation of key cellular processes
Journal article (2007) -
MJL de Groot (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
B Breukelen (author)
TA Knijnenburg (author)
Erik de de Hulster (author)
Marcel J. T. Reinders (author)
Jack T. Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)
An experimental correction for arginine-to-proline conversion artifacts in SILAC-based quantitative proteomics
Journal article (2007) -
D van Hoof (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
DWV Oostwaard (author)
CL Mummery (author)
AJR Heck (author)
J Krijgsveld (author)
Investigating the dynamic nature of the interactions between nuclear proteins and histones upon DNA damage using an immobilized peptide chemical proteomics approach
Journal article (2006) -
EH Dirksen (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
DT Rijkers (author)
J Cloos (author)
RM Liskamp (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Proteome analysis of yeast response to various nutrient limitations
Journal article (2006) -
A Kolkman (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
A Fullaondo (author)
MM Olsthoorn (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
M Slijper (author)
AJR Heck (author)
A quest for human and mouse embryonic stem cell-specific proteins
Journal article (2006) -
D van Hoof (author)
R. Passier (author)
D Ward-Van Oostwaard (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
AJR Heck (author)
CL Mummery (author)
J Krijgsveld (author)
Protein expression dynamics during replicative senescence of endothelial cells studied by 2-D difference in-gel electrophoresis
Journal article (2006) -
MR Eman (author)
E Regan-Klapisz (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
IM Koop (author)
Jorn Haverkamp (author)
AJR Heck (author)
AJ Verkleij (author)
JA Post (author)
Essential enrichment strategies in phosphoproteomics
Journal article (2006) -
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
AJR Heck (author)
Proteomics in chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Abstract (2004) -
A Kolkman (author)
P.A.S. Daran-Lapujade (author)
MM Olsthoorn (author)
CE Heeremans (author)
Jack Pronk (author)
AJR Heck (author)
M Slijper (author)