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CM Ravesloot
Academic Work (64)
Book (2)
Book chapter (2)
Conference paper (17)
Journal article (43)
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64 records found
Organising large scale green covered roofs; Classification of green roof specifications and green roofs implementation the economics of green roofs
Conference paper (2011) -
P.G. Teeuw (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Organisation of large scale green covered roofs improving the collaboration of policy makers with urban designers
Conference paper (2009) -
P.G. Teeuw (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Systems engineering education for civil engineering students
Conference paper (2008) -
G.A. van Nederveen (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
KB Braat (author)
H.A.J. de Ridder (author)
The challenge of functional design in building industry: making an agenda for a project start up (PSU) for early problem definition and problem solving
Conference paper (2007) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Traditionele houtacetylatie in traditionele kozijndetaillering : Houtinnovatie
Journal article (2007) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Bouwinnovatie van het Qbiz team: praktijkvoorbeeld van het living building concept (LBC)
Journal article (2007) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Rotterdam groen van boven: toepassing van groene daken in Rotterdam
Book (2007) -
L Voll (author)
R van Bemmel (author)
R Bakker (author)
L Geerling (author)
M Haring (author)
M Kleinveld (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
J Lankester (author)
Nieuwe materialen voor gezondheid en milieu
Journal article (2006) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Grootschalige aanleg van begroeide daken
Journal article (2006) -
L Geerling (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Meer isolatie met dunnere isolatieplaat
Journal article (2006) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Stacaravan maakt plaats voor ecochalet
Journal article (2006) -
P Galema (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Win-winsituatie voor energietransitie.
Journal article (2006) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
H Bakker (author)
Fijnstof onder de loep: er kan tenminste weer gebouwd worden
Journal article (2006) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Thermal comfort and energy performance for zero-energy renovation
Conference paper (2005) -
L Apon (author)
E Boelman (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
E van Dijk (author)
Energy use and overheating risk in zero-energy renovation
Conference paper (2005) -
L Apon (author)
E Boelman (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Levende machine: Technologie push: voorwaarden voor benutting van afvalwater door natuur
Journal article (2005) -
B.L.H. Hasselaar (author)
CM Ravesloot (author)
Social demands and stakeholders participation in Dutch sustainable housing policy
Conference paper (2005) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Het vermijden van milieueffecten met een woning van EPS
Journal article (2005) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
Aesthetics in urban design seen from the perspective of sustainability
Conference paper (2005) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
L Apon (author)
E Boelman (author)
Energy neutral retrofitting of apartment flats - modelling and detailing with consent of inhabitants
Conference paper (2005) -
CM Ravesloot (author)
L Apon (author)
E Boelman (author)