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A. Chmieliauskas
Academic Work (5)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (4)
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5 records found
Modeling socio-technical systems with AgentSpring
Conference paper (2012) -
A. Chmieliauskas (author)
Emile J.L. Chappin (author)
GPJ Dijkema (author)
New methods for analysis of systems-of-systems and policy : The power of systems theory, crowd sourcing and data management
Book chapter (2012) -
A. Chmieliauskas (author)
E.J.L. Chappin (author)
C. B. Davis (author)
I. Nikolic (author)
G.P.J. Dijkema (author)
Agent-based models for policy makers
Conference paper (2012) -
Émile J.L. Chappin (author)
A. Chmieliauskas (author)
LJ de Vries (author)
Modelling the new balancing regime of the natural gas market in the Netherlands
Conference paper (2011) -
C.A. Bucura (author)
A. Chmieliauskas (author)
Zofia Lukszo (author)
G.P.J. Dijkema (author)
Languages and Wikipedia: Cultural evolution increases structure
Conference paper (2010) -
J. Kasmire (author)
A. Chmieliauskas (author)