Andrea Omicini
6 records found
Endowing intelligent systems with semantic data commonly requires designing and instantiating ontologies with domain-specific knowledge. Especially in the early phases, those activities are typically performed manually by human experts possibly leveraging on their ...
Endowing intelligent systems with semantic data commonly requires designing and instantiating ontologies with domain-specific knowledge. Especially in the early phases, those activities are typically performed manually by human experts possibly leveraging on their ...
From large language models to small logic programs
Building global explanations from disagreeing local post-hoc explainers
The expressive power and effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) is going to increasingly push intelligent agents towards sub-symbolic models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks in human–agent interaction. However, LLMs are characterised by a performance vs. transpa
Although popular and effective, large language models (LLM) are characterised by a performance vs. transparency trade-off that hinders their applicability to sensitive scenarios. This is the main reason behind many approaches focusing on local post-hoc explanations recently propo
Background and objective:This paper focuses on nutritional recommendation systems (RS), i.e. AI-powered automatic systems providing users with suggestions about what to eat to pursue their weight/body shape goals. A trade-off among (potentially) conflictual requirements must be t
Interest Flooding Attack Detection With Graph Neural Networks
In the context of Information-Centric Networking, Interest Flooding Attacks (IFAs) represent a new and dangerous sort of distributed denial of service. Since existing proposals targeting IFAs mainly focus on local information, in this paper we propose GNN4IFA as the first mechani
Building on prior works on explanation negotiation protocols, this paper proposes a general-purpose protocol for multi-agent systems where recommender agents may need to provide explanations for their recommendations. The protocol specifies the roles and responsibilities of the e