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10 records found


In this paper, we address the problem of real-time motion planning for multiple robotic manipulators that operate in close proximity. We build upon the concept of dynamic fabrics and extend them to multi-robot systems, referred to as Multi-Robot Dynamic Fabrics (MRDF). This geome ...
In this paper, we present an automated parameter optimization method for trajectory generation. We formulate parameter optimization as a constrained optimization problem that can be effectively solved using Bayesian optimization. While the approach is generic to any trajectory ge ...

Optimization fabrics are a geometric approach to real-time local motion generation, where motions are designed by the composition of several differential equations that exhibit a desired motion behavior. We generalize this framework to dynamic scenarios and nonholonomic robots ...

Adaptation through prediction

Multisensory active inference torque control

Adaptation to external and internal changes is of major importance for robotic systems in uncertain environments. Here, we present a novel multisensory active inference (AIF) torque controller for industrial arms that shows how prediction can be used to resolve adaptation. Our ...

This paper presents a real-time method for whole-body trajectory optimization of mobile manipulators in simplified dynamic and unstructured environments. Current trajectory optimization methods typically use decoupling of the mobile base and the robotic arm, which reduces flexibi ...


Multi-Robot Exploration in Network-Uncertain Indoor Environments

An approach based on adaptive signal strength

In this thesis, an autonomous multi-robot system for indoor exploration in limited network environments is proposed. The specific use case is search and rescue where the operators must have access to the most up-to-date information, necessitating the requirement for communication ...
Autonomous robots hold great potential for positive impacts on society by applying them to tasks that are hazardous, repetitive, or complex and difficult for humans to perform. To achieve these tasks, autonomous robots require the ability to perceive environmental changes and cre ...
We are living in an aging society, which is putting an increasingly heavy strain on our healthcare system. As people age many become less mobile, leading to loneliness and a deteriorating health. Subsequently elderly often end up in nursing homes; an experience which is unpleasan ...
Modern retail stores are increasingly implementing automated systems with the aim of assisting both the customer and employee. Much research is conducted on robotic applications within such environments; one of these applications concerns deploying an autonomous mobile manipulato ...
Mobile manipulators will be deployed in supermarkets for a large variety of tasks, for instance, for restocking products. The operation time of mobile manipulators can be reduced by generating coupled trajectories for the base and the robot's arm. When planning for high Degree of ...