16 records found
Low grade waste heat recovery using heat pumps and power cycles
A systematic investigation of microwave-assisted reactive distillation: Influence of microwaves on separation and reaction
Optimal performance of compression¿resorption heat pump systems
Reactive distillation powered by alternative energy sources
A review on process intensification in internally heat-integrated distillation columns
Towards energy efficient distalation technologies - making the right choice
Mastering heat pumps selection for energy efficient distillation
Comparison of control strategies for dividing-wall columns
Design and control of recyle systems by non-linear analysis.
Optimization studies in sulfuric acid production.
Unstable behaviour of plants with recycle
Stable plantwide control of recycle systems
State multiplicity in PFR-separator-recycle polymerization systems
State multiplicity in CSTR-separator-recycle polymerisation systems.
Non-linear behaviour of PFR-separator-recycle polymerization systems.
Nonlinear Behaviour of CSTR-Separator-Recycle Polymerization Systems.