This thesis investigated the transition towards sustainable aviation technologies using a macro and micro perspective. For the macro perspective the seven function model of an Technology innovation system was used. The micro level comprised a case study at KLM using theory of Mel
This thesis investigated the transition towards sustainable aviation technologies using a macro and micro perspective. For the macro perspective the seven function model of an Technology innovation system was used. The micro level comprised a case study at KLM using theory of Melissa Schilling, Strategic management of technological innovation. The method was qualitative in which several interviews were performed with industry experts and innovation experts at KLM.
This study revealed that the TIS for sustainable aviation technologies is currently active. However, the TIS is not performing optimally as main barriers emerge for the function legitimisation and lobby, obstructing the transition towards a sustainable aviation future. KLM could take a leading role in overcoming these barriers by using its reputation and profound industry knowledge. For this,
it is important that KLM prioritises innovation and use its will to pioneer in the transition. A long road lies ahead for the industry to become green due to the complexity of the actor network and the technical challenges. Nevertheless, given the technological advancements, it is expected that the first battery-electric flights will emerge in this decade, marking the start of a sustainable aviation industry.
Recommendations were made for policymakers, KLM, and science. The main recommendation for policymakers is to install legislative incentives for entrepreneurial activities and stimulate the market in the future. Furthermore, aerospace should be made available to test battery-electric and hydrogen
technologies. Recommendations for KLM are to prioritise innovation by reorganising innovation teams in the organisation. Autonomous teams should be installed that are separated from the core business to explore new business models and the impact of new technologies on the existing model. Future research should investigate the role of sustainability on the TIS. Also, during the interviews it came forward that the relation between entrepreneurial activities and knowledge creation is bilateral rather than unilateral as presented in the TIS model. Research should further investigate the impact of the bilateral relation on the model.