M Hoozemans

4 records found

The purpose of this prospective study was to examine the longitudinal changes in shoulder ER ROM and relative IR strength in elite youth baseball pitchers over one year and to determine their associations with changes in ball speed for throwing fastballs. One hundred and five Dut ...
Met een goede pitcher die snel kan werpen kun je honkbalwedstrijden winnen. Maar hoe wordt een pitcher goed? Hiervoor is inzicht nodig in de ontwikkeling en het aanleren van de werptechniek van jonge talentvolle pitchers. Met dit inzicht kunnen we, met behulp van technische hulpm ...
The objective of the present study was to examine the relative timing of pelvis and thorax rotations in achieving high throwing velocities in baseball pitching. During the preseason, a kinematic analysis was performed on eight pitchers. Peak angular velocities of the pelvis and t ...