Ludovik Coba
5 records found
Choosing between hotels
Impact of bimodal rating summary statistics and maximizing behavioral tendency
Rating summary statistics are basic aggregations that reflect users’ assessments of experienced products and services in numerical form. Thus far, scholars primarily investigated textual reviews, but dedicated considerably less time and effort exploring the potential impact of pl
Decision making strategies difer in the presence of collaborative explanations
Two conjoint studies
Rating-based summary statistics are ubiquitous in e-commerce, and often are crucial components in personalized recommendation mechanisms. Especially visual rating summarizations have been identiied as important means to explain, why an item is presented or proposed to an user. La
Collaborative filtering systems heavily depend on user feedback expressed in product ratings to select and rank items to recommend. In this study we explore how users value different collaborative explanation styles following the user-based or item-based paradigm. Furthermore, we
Collaborative filtering systems heavily depend on user feedback expressed in product ratings to select and rank items to recommend. These summary statistics of rating values carry two important descriptors about the assessed items, namely the total number of ratings and the mean