6 records found

Large shallow lakes plays a significant role in the rapid urbanization process. A series of problems have occurred due to urbanization including water quality degradation, flood intensity increase, ecological and environmental issues etc. One of the most important threat comes fr ...
As the third largest fresh water lake in China, Taihu Lake is suffering from serious eutrophication, where nutrient loading from tributary and surrounding river networks is one of the main contributors. In this study, water age is used to investigate the impacts of tributary disc ...
With the method of a wind tank experiment, the real scenario of lakes with horizontal and vertical circulation of wind-induced flows is considered, and the features of wind wave height and its distribution in the different conditions of wind blowing distance, wind speed and water ...
Wind induced hydrodynamic circulations play significant roles in the transport and mixing process of pollutants and nutrients in large shallow lakes, but they have been usually overlooked, while environmental, biological, and ecological aspects of eutrophication problems get the ...
Ongoing eutrophication frequently causes toxic phytoplankton blooms. This induces huge worldwide challenges for drinking water quality, food security and public health. Of crucial importance in avoiding and reducing blooms is to determine the maximum nutrient load ecosystems can ...
High resolution numerical weather models have recently raised a great interest in the InSAR community for atmospheric phase screen (APS) mitigation. Following the research carried out in [1], in this study we focus on investigating the sensitivity of WRF (Weather Research and For ...