Peter Blossey
3 records found
Marine cloud brightening (MCB) is the deliberate injection of aerosol particles into shallow marine clouds to increase their reflection of solar radiation and reduce the amount of energy absorbed by the climate system. From the physical science perspective, the consensus of a bro
Results are presented of the GASS/EUCLIPSE single-column model intercomparison study on the subtropical marine low-level cloud transition. A central goal is to establish the performance of state-of-the-art boundary-layer schemes for weather and climate models for this cloud regim
Large-eddy simulations of EUCLIPSE-GASS lagrangian stratocumulus-to-cumulus transitions
Mean state, turbulence, and decoupling
Results of four Lagrangian stratocumulus-to-shallow-cumulus transition cases as obtained from six different large-eddy simulation models are presented. The model output is remarkably consistent in terms of the representation of the evolution of the mean state, which is characteri