P.A. Motreuil-Ragot

8 records found

Microphysiological systems (MPSs) are cellular models that replicate aspects of organ and tissue functions in vitro. In contrast with conventional cell cultures, MPSs often provide physiological mechanical cues to cells, include fluid flow and can be interlinked (hence, they are ...
Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs) are a class of materials with a rising appeal in biological micro-electromechanical systems (bio-MEMS) due to their unique properties (low voltage output, bio-compatibility, affinity with ionic medium). While tailoring and improving actuatio ...
An organ-on-chip (OoC) is a microelectromechanical (MEMS) device that aims to recapitulate in-vitro the physiology of the smallest functional unit of an organ in order to perform drug analysis or study disease models. OoCs are very complex systems that require actuation and sensi ...
Sensing flow rates in structured microenvironments like lab-on-chip (LOC) and organ-on-chip (OoC) is crucial to assess important parameters such as transport of media and molecules of interest. So far, these micro-electromechanical systems for biology (bio-MEMS) mostly rely on fl ...
Organ-on-a-chip (OoC) and microfluidic devices are conventionally produced using microfabrication procedures that require cleanrooms, silicon wafers, and photomasks. The prototyping stage often requires multiple iterations of design steps. A simplified prototyping process could t ...
Stemming from the convergence of tissue engineering and microfluidics, organ-on-chip (OoC) technology can reproduce in vivo-like dynamic microphysiological environments for tissues in vitro. The possibility afforded by OoC devices of realistic recapitulation of tissue and organ ( ...
Organ-on-chip (OoC) devices are in rising demand for high-throughput and low-cost development and toxico-logical screening of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, as they accurately mimic in vitro physiological conditions as in the human body. In particular, OoCs are urgently needed fo ...
•Actuation has been succesfully performed for 2h30 with no side effects nor
delimination of the human tissue
•0.1 % strain has been achieved during the actutaion mode, close to the
strain experienced in vivo by vSMCs
•0.72 V/mm sensitivity has been shown on the ...