D. Di Curzio
30 records found
Impact and evaluation of potential implications of coastal plains on soil greenhouse gas emissions
Insights from the Sibari Coastal Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy)
The work aims to estimate natural greenhouse gas emissions from soils in the Sibari Coastal Plain (Southern Italy), to understand (i) the contribution in terms of the total amount of CO2 and CH4 emitted in non-volcanic areas, (ii) the relationship among emit
The phenomenon of seawater intrusion is becoming increasingly problematic, particularly in low-lying coastal regions and areas that rely heavily on aquifers for their freshwater supply. It is, therefore, vital to address the causes and consequences of this phenomenon in order to
In the past, soil-layer delineation methods can usually only take a single type of input data, e.g., soil-type data at boreholes. However, this does not fit in the geotechnical engineering practice where multiple types of data are usually available during site investigation (e.g.
The Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer is the largest and most productive in the Apennines. Its hydrogeological structure has been studied since the middle of the last century for the springs’ characterization for drinking purposes and for a motorway tunnel. Meanwhile, its hydrodynamic
Biomarkers such as functional gene mRNA (transcripts) and proteins (enzymes) provide direct proof of metabolic regulation during the reductive dechlorination (RD) of chlorinated ethenes (CEs). Yet, current models to simulate their spatiotemporal variability are not flexible enoug
Using CPTu profiles for subsoil characterisation, transformation equations must be used to obtain the hydro-mechanical properties for structures and infrastructure designing. Additionally, the uncertainty and the spatial variability of measured parameters must be taken into accou
Estimating a Reliable Water Budget at A Basin Scale
A Comparison between the Geostatistical and Traditional Methods (Foro River Basin, Central Italy)
Recently, new numerical methods have been applied to weather data for the estimation of water budget, especially when the lack of measured data is considerable. Geostatistics is one of the most powerful approaches when it comes to studying spatially relevant natural phenomena, as
Indagare la fattibilità dell’utilizzo di misure di precipitazioni da RaDAR meteorologico per stimare la ricarica potenziale nelle falde acquifere regionali
Il caso studio del massiccio della Majella nel centro Italia
Rain gauge spatial sparsity and temporal discontinuity of data represent one of the major issues for reliable recharge estimations. In the past decades, the use of ground-based microwave weather RaDAR has dramatically improved quantitative rainfall estimation by providing spatial
The concept of natural background level (NBL) aims at distinguishing the natural and anthropogenic contributions to concentrations of specific contaminants, as groundwater management and protection tools. This is usually defined as a unique value at a regional scale, even when th
Accurate knowledge of the rain amount is a crucial driver in several hydrometeorological applications. This is especially true in complex orography territories, which are typically impervious, thus, leaving most mountain areas ungauged. Due to their spatial and temporal coverage,
The hilly landscape of the Periadric area in Central Italy is characterized by mainly marly– clayey foredeep basin deposits (Plio–Pleistocene age). These lithotypes are generally considered aquicludes, if compared with the regional limestone aquifers of Apennines. However, a coar
The 2016–2017 seismic events that struck central Italy led the Government to carry out a project to produce the third level Seismic Microzonation studies in 138 municipalities. These activities have involved many experts in different disciplines such as geology, geomorphology, ge
The Empirical Rainfall Thresholds (ERTs) for shallow landslide initiation are commonly devised worldwide mostly to be implemented within landslide early warning systems. Nonetheless, since the pioneering works on ERTs in the 1980s, only meteorological variables - that are cumulat
Understanding the groundwater flow in carbonate aquifers represents a challenging aspect in hydrogeology, especially when they have been struck by strong seismic events. It has been proved that large earthquakes change springs hydrodynamic behaviour showing transitory or long-las
The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) measures enable to recognize vertical lithological sequence at each investigated point. From the tip resistance qc and sleeve resistance fs profiles, the Soil Behavior Type index ISBT has been calculated, in order t
Multiparameter daily time-series analysis to groundwater recharge assessment in a caldera aquifer
Roccamonfina Volcano, Italy
The definition of hydrogeological conceptual models sometimes suffers on uncertainties depending on the available dataset. The availability and the elaboration of long-term hydrogeological dataset allow ensuring a better definition of the aquifer dynamics and features. One of the
The incorrect wastewater management and the land use distribution lead to severe environmental problems, creating heavy eutrophication condition in surface-water; when surface-water/groundwater relationships exist, the organic matter transferred to the aquifer oxidizes and trigge
The snow and rainfall impact on the Verde spring behavior
A statistical approach on hydrodynamic and hydrochemical daily time-series
The wide regional aquifer system springs are one of the most important sources of freshwater, especially because of the ever-increasing global water demand. Thus, these springs must be protected and managed in a sustainable manner. To this purpose, a detailed knowledge about the
This research deals with some hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic features that affect redox processes in groundwater, presenting three different case studies and methodological approaches. This infor-mation is vital when characterizing contaminated sites, planning monitoring, sele