Paul H. Taylor
8 records found
Linearization of the wave spectrum
A comparison of methods
The relative contributions of free waves and bound waves to the formation of an extreme wave event remains a topic of interest in offshore engineering. A variety of methods have been proposed for identifying and removing the bound wave components. The method of “phase separation”
We have investigated steep three-dimensional surface gravity wave groups formed by dispersive focusing using a fully nonlinear potential flow solver. We find that third-order resonant interactions result in rapid energy transfers to higher wavenumbers and reduced directional spre
High wind speeds generated during hurricanes result in the formation of extreme waves. Extreme waves by nature are steep meaning that linear wave theory alone is insufficient in understanding and predicting their occurrence. The complex, highly transient nature of the direction o
Owing to the interplay between the forward Stokes drift and the backward wave-induced Eulerian return flow, Lagrangian particles underneath surface gravity wave groups can follow different trajectories depending on their initial depth below the surface. The motion of particles ne
The net movement of Lagrangian particles under water waves comprises a Stokes drift in the direction of wave propagation and an Eulerian return flow in the opposing direction. Accurate prediction of the Eulerian return flow in the ocean is of importance in modeling the transport
Many ocean engineering problems involve bound harmonics which are slaved to some underlying assumed close to linear time series. When analyzing signals we often want to remove the bound harmonics so as to "linearise" the data or to extract individual bound harmonic components so
Estimates of Lagrangian transport by surface gravity wave groups
The effects of finite depth and directionality
Two physical phenomena drive the Lagrangian trajectories of neutrally buoyant particles underneath surface gravity wave groups: the Stokes drift results in a net displacement of particles in the direction of propagation of the group, whereas the Eulerian return flow transports su
Experimental observation of a near-motion-trapped mode
Free motion in heave with negligible radiation
A simple geometry that exhibits near motion trapping is tested experimentally, along with perturbed versions of the structure. The motion of the freely floating structure and the surrounding wave field is tracked and the near-motion-trapped mode is found, characterised by a slowl