L.B.H. Keijzer
8 records found
Tapering of the interventricular septum can affect ultrasound shear wave elastography
An in vitro and in silico study
Shear wave elastography (SWE) has the potential to determine cardiac tissue stiffness from non-invasive shear wave speed measurements, important, e.g., for predicting heart failure. Previous studies showed that waves traveling in the interventricular septum (IVS) may display Lamb-like dispersive behaviour, introducing a thickness-frequency dependency in the wave speed. However, the IVS tapers across its length, which complicates wave speed estimation by introducing an additional variable to account for. The goal of this work is to assess the impact of tapering thickness on SWE. The investigation is performed by combining in vitro experiments with acoustic radiation force (ARF) and 2D finite element simulations, to isolate the effect of the tapering curve on ARF-induced and natural waves in the heart. The experiments show a 11% deceleration during propagation from the thick to the thin end of an IVS-mimicking tapered phantom plate. The numerical analysis shows that neglecting the thickness variation in the wavenumber-frequency domain can introduce errors of more than 30% in the estimation of the shear modulus, and that the exact tapering curve, rather than the overall thickness reduction, determines the dispersive behaviour of the wave. These results suggest that septal geometry should be accounted for when deriving cardiac stiffness with SWE.
@enHigh-frame-rate (HFR) echo-particle image velocimetry (echoPIV) is a promising tool for measuring intracardiac blood flow dynamics. In this study, we investigate the optimal ultrasound contrast agent (UCA: SonoVue) infusion rate and acoustic output to use for HFR echoPIV (PRF = 4900 Hz) in the left ventricle (LV) of patients. Three infusion rates (0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 ml/min) and five acoustic output amplitudes (by varying transmit voltage: 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 V - corresponding to mechanical indices of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, and 0.06 at 60-mm depth) were tested in 20 patients admitted for symptoms of heart failure. We assess the accuracy of HFR echoPIV against pulsed-wave Doppler acquisitions obtained for mitral inflow and aortic outflow. In terms of image quality, the 1.2-ml/min infusion rate provided the highest contrast-to-background ratio (CBR) (3-dB improvement over 0.3 ml/min). The highest acoustic output tested resulted in the lowest CBR. Increased acoustic output also resulted in increased microbubble disruption. For the echoPIV results, the 1.2-ml/min infusion rate provided the best vector quality and accuracy; mid-range acoustic outputs (corresponding to 15-20-V transmit voltages) provided the best agreement with the pulsed-wave Doppler. Overall, the highest infusion rate (1.2 ml/min) and mid-range acoustic output amplitudes provided the best image quality and echoPIV results.
@enShear wave elastography (SWE) might allow non-invasive assessment of cardiac stiffness by relating shear wave propagation speed to material properties. However, after aortic valve closure, when natural shear waves occur in the septal wall, the stiffness of the muscle decreases significantly, and the effects of such temporal variation of medium properties on shear wave propagation have not been investigated yet. The goal of this work is to fundamentally investigate these effects. To this aim, qualitative results were first obtained experimentally using a mechanical setup, and were then combined with quantitative results from finite difference simulations. The results show that the amplitude and period of the waves increase during propagation, proportional to the relaxation of the medium, and that reflected waves can originate from the temporal stiffness variation. These general results, applied to literature data on cardiac stiffness throughout the heart cycle, predict as a major effect a period increase of 20% in waves propagating during a healthy diastolic phase, whereas only a 10% increase would result from the impaired relaxation of an infarcted heart. Therefore, cardiac relaxation can affect the propagation of waves used for SWE measurements and might even provide direct information on the correct relaxation of a heart.
@enFor the quantification of myocardial function, myocardial stiffness can potentially be measured non-invasively using shear wave elastography. Clinical diagnosis requires high precision. In 10 healthy volunteers, we studied the reproducibility of the measurement of propagation speeds of shear waves induced by aortic and mitral valve closure (AVC, MVC). Inter-scan was slightly higher but in similar ranges as intra-scan variability (AVC: 0.67 m/s (interquartile range [IQR]: 0.40–0.86 m/s) versus 0.38 m/s (IQR: 0.26–0.68 m/s), MVC: 0.61 m/s (IQR: 0.26–0.94 m/s) versus 0.26 m/s (IQR: 0.15–0.46 m/s)). For AVC, the propagation speeds obtained on different day were not statistically different (p = 0.13). We observed different propagation speeds between 2 systems (AVC: 3.23–4.25 m/s [Zonare ZS3] versus 1.82–4.76 m/s [Philips iE33]), p = 0.04). No statistical difference was observed between observers (AVC: p = 0.35). Our results suggest that measurement inaccuracies dominate the variabilities measured among healthy volunteers. Therefore, measurement precision can be improved by averaging over multiple heartbeats.
@enDifferent shear wave elastography methods have been proposed to measure cardiac material properties. This study compared shear waves naturally generated by aortic and mitral valve closure to those externally induced with an acoustic radiation force throughout the cardiac cycle. The shear wave timing and propagation speeds were measured in four pigs with open-chest recordings. Despite spatial and temporal differences in excitation source, the propagation speeds of the natural shear waves were found to be in the same range as the propagation speeds of the active shear waves. The results also suggested a large inter-beat variability for the natural shear waves.
@enThe diastolic functioning of the left ventricle is correlated to the stiffness of the myocardium. Shear wave (SW) elastography can be used for non-invasive stiffness measurements. These waves can have external sources such as an acoustic push, natural sources such as valve closure, or diffuse sources like breathing and flow noise. SW propagation velocities in diffuse wave fields can be analyzed after a spatio-temporal correlation technique. This technique has been applied to bulk SW [Brum et al, IEEE UFFC 2015; Parker et al, Phys Med Biol 2017] and surface waves [Sabra et al, Am Inst Phys 2007; Brum et al, JASA 2008]. However, since the myocardium is relatively thin, Lamb wave phenomena including dispersion could be expected. In this study we tested the applicability of the diffuse wave technique in a PVA thin plate phantom, and compared it to direct SW measurements and a mechanically measured shear modulus.