Reinforcement Learning is a much researched topic for autonomous machine behavior and is often applied to navigation problems. In order to deal with growing environments and larger state/action spaces, Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning has been introduced. Unfortunately learnin
Reinforcement Learning is a much researched topic for autonomous machine behavior and is often applied to navigation problems. In order to deal with growing environments and larger state/action spaces, Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning has been introduced. Unfortunately learning from experience, which is central to Reinforcement Learning, makes guaranteeing safety a complex problem. This paper demonstrates an approach, named the actor-judge approach, to make the exploration safer while imposing as few as possible restrictions on the agent. The approach combines ideas from the
elds of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Safe Reinforcement Learning to develop a Safe Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning algorithm. The algorithm is tested in a simulated environment where the agent represents an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle able to move laterally in four directions using quadridirectional range sensors to establish a relative position. Although this approach does not guarantee the agent to never explore unsafe areas of the state domain, results show the actor-judge method increases agent safety and can be used on multiple levels an HRL agent hierarchy.