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TM John
Academic Work (3)
Book (1)
Journal article (2)
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3 records found
Benchmark calculations of power distribution within assemblies. Phase II: comparison of data reduction and power reconstruction methods in production codes, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 2000
Book (2000) -
PFA de Leege (author)
TM John (author)
A. Hersman (author)
VA Khotylev (author)
A midway forward-adjoint coupling method for neutron and photon Monte Carlo transport
Journal article (1999) -
IV Serov (author)
TM John (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
A new effective Monte Carlo midway coupling method in MCNP applied to a well logging problem.
Journal article (1998) -
IV Serov (author)
TM John (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)