19 records found


The coming years will see humanity facing significant challenges to ensure its continued survival. The threat of global warming to humans and the environment – exacerbated by rapidly growing population and energy demand – requires quick and decisive actions. Among them, increasin ...

The optical modelling for optimizing high-efficiency c-Si solar cells endowed with poly-SiOx or poly-SiCx carrier-selective passivating contacts (CSPCs) demands a thorough understanding of their optical properties, especially their absorption coefficient. ...

Periodic texturing is one of the main techniques to enhance light absorption in thin-film solar cells. The presence of periodicity, such as grating, allows the excitation of guided modes in the structure, thus enhancing absorption. However, grating efficiency in exciting guide ...

Surface texturing is one of the main techniques to enhance light absorption in solar cells. In thin film devices, periodic texturing can be used to excite the guided resonances supported by the structure. Therefore, total absorption is enhanced largely due to the excitation of ...

The high-index all-dielectric nanoantenna system is a platform recently used for multiple applications, from metalenses to light management. These systems usually exhibit low absorption/scattering ratios and are not efficient photon harvesters. Nevertheless, by exploiting far- ...

Background: Elongated nanostructures, such as nanowires, have attracted significant attention for application in silicon-based solar cells. The high aspect ratio and characteristic radial junction configuration can lead to higher device performance, by increasing light absorpt ...

Periodic texturing is one of the main techniques for light-trapping in thin-film solar cells. Periodicity allows for the excitation of guided modes in the structure and, thus, largely enhances absorption. Understanding how much a guided resonance can increase the absorption is th ...

We present the study of an advanced light trapping scheme applied to thin-film silicon-based solar cells, overcoming the broadband Green absorption limit, that is the generalized case of the 4n2 classical absorption limit for all wavelengths. This result is achieved ...

Total electric field in a periodic thin-film structure is described by its Fourier coefficients. These coefficients can be used to calculate the share of different resonances in total absorption in the structure.@en

Oxidation-Induced Structure Transformation

Thin-Film Synthesis and Interface Investigations of Barium Disilicide toward Potential Photovoltaic Applications

Barium disilicide (BaSi2) has been regarded as a promising absorber material for high-efficiency thin-film solar cells. However, it has confronted issues related to material synthesis and quality control. Here, we fabricate BaSi2 thin films via an industrially applicable sputteri ...

We present a modelling study of thin silicon based solar cells endowed with periodic and decoupled front/back textures. After careful optimization, the proposed device models exhibit absorption beyond the Lambertian light trapping limit for a wide range of light angles of inci ...

Thin-film amorphous silicon nanopillar solar cells

An investigation of the optical potential

We present an optical investigation of nanopillar thin-film solar cells based on amorphous silicon, showing implied photocurrent density values > 14 mA/cm2 for a volumetric equivalent thicknesses of 85 nm.


We present the optical investigation of a novel back-contacted architecture for solar cells based on a thin barium (di)silicide (BaSi2) absorber. First, through the analysis of absorption limits of different semiconducting materials, we show the potential of BaSi

Barium di-silicide (BaSi2) is an abundant and inexpensive semiconductor with appealing opto-electrical properties. In this work we show that a 2-μm thick BaSi2-based thin-film solar cell can exhibit an implied photo-current density equal to 41.1 mA/cm2, which is higher than that ...
We present an investigation of the optical performance of back contacted BaSi2 solar cells. We determine the optimal geometrical configuration and analyze benefits and drawback of such architectures.@en
The optical analysis of optically-textured and electrically-flat ultra-thin crystalline silicon (c-Si) slabs is presented. These slabs were endowed with decoupled front titanium-dioxide (TiO2) / back silicon-dioxide (SiO2) dielectric textures and were studied as function of two t ...
We have used 3-D optical modelling to investigate light management concepts based on periodic textures and material optimization for photovoltaic devices based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) absorber material. At first, calibration of the software based on the characterization of a refer ...


Trolleybuses are electric buses than run on electric power from overhead electric power lines (catenary) like trams do. Although is a service that dates all the way back to 1882, it has managed to regain interest in the recent years due to the constant electrification of various ...
Thin-film silicon solar cells make use of relatively thin layers of active material compared to wafer based solar cells. The main advantage of thin absorber layers is the possibility to fabricate flexible solar cells. However, due to limited absorber layer thickness and weak abso ...