Linzhong Zhuang

8 records found

In present work, the formation, evolution, and distribution of the primary Fe-rich phase in an Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Zn–Fe–Mn alloy are coupling controlled by ultrasonic melt treatment (USMT) and thermomechanical processing (TMP). It is shown in the results that the size of grains and Fe-r ...
The retrogression and re-aging (RRA) processes, aimed mainly at tailoring intergranular precipitates, could significantly improve the corrosion resistance (i.e., stress corrosion cracking resistance) without considerably decreasing the strength, which signifies that an efficient ...
The alloy design and homogenization processes are intimately associated with the microstructure, phase composition and performance for Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. The microstructures and phase composition of a series of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys before and after the homogenization treatments we ...
The effect of Sn micro-alloying on microstructure evolution, formability and precipitation behaviour of Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn alloys were systematically studied by experimental techniques and theoretical calculations. Results show that Sn addition can accelerate both the precipitation a ...
A new non-isothermal pre-aging treatment was proposed and utilized in Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn alloys, together with natural aging and artificial aging. The influence of cooling rates on subsequent precipitation behaviors was investigated by experimental and thermodynamic simulations. The ...
The coupling control of quenching rate and pre-aging and its positive effect on the age-hardening response of Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Zn–Fe–Mn alloy was systematically investigated. The larger and more stable solute clusters can be formed in alloy with fast age-hardening response by using th ...
Synergy of Ni micro-alloying and thermomechanical processing on the phase distribution, formability and bendability of Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Zn–Fe–Mn alloys was systematically studied in this paper. With the addition of micro-alloying Ni, the Ni-containing Fe-rich phase can be formed, whic ...
Hot tearing is one of the most severe and irreversible casting defects for many metallic materials. In 2004, Eskin et al. published a review paper in which the development of hot tearing of aluminium alloys was evaluated (Eskin and Suyitno, 2004). Sixteen years have passed and th ...