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M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen
Academic Work (36)
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Journal article (14)
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36 records found
Mechanical action in CO2 dry cleaning
Journal article (2014) -
S. Sutanto (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
CO2 dry cleaning: Acoustic cavitation and other mechanisms to induce mechanical action
Journal article (2014) -
S. Sutanto (author)
V Dutschk (author)
J Mankiewicz (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
MMCG Warmoeskerken (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
Redeposition in CO2 textile dry cleaning
Journal article (2013) -
S. Sutanto (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
Colloidal interactions in liquid CO2 - A dry-cleaning perspective
Journal article (2012) -
S Banerjee (author)
S. Sutanto (author)
JM Kleijn (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
DC Stuart Cohen (author)
Decarboxylation of ¿9-tetrahydrocannabinol: kinetics and molecular modeling
Journal article (2011) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
Wim Buijs (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
GJ Witkamp (author)
Effet of various additives in co2 dry cleaning
Abstract (2011) -
S. Sutanto (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
Isolation of cannabinoids using supercritical co2
Abstract (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
GJ Witkamp (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
Dry cleaning using supercritical carbon dioxide: mechanical action enhancement by addition of particals
Abstract (2010) -
S. Sutanto (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
Supercritical fluid extraction of cannabis: experiments and modeling of the process desgin
Conference paper (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
Supercritical fluid extraction of cannabis: experiments and modeling of the process desgin
Abstract (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
Dry cleaning using carbon dioxide: mechanical action enhancement by addition of particles
Conference paper (2010) -
S. Sutanto (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
Solublility of cannabinol in supercritical carbon dioxide
Journal article (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
MC Kroon (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
Dry cleaning using carbon dioxide
Abstract (2010) -
S. Sutanto (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
Solubility of non-psychoactive cannabiniods in supercritical carbon dioxide and comparison with psychoactive cannabiniods
Journal article (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
MC Kroon (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
G. J. Witkamp (author)
Solubility of ¿9-tetrahydrocannabinol in supercritical carbon dioxide: experiments and modeling
Journal article (2010) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
PC Perez (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
Expiriments and modelling to design supercritical fluid extraction of cannabis
Poster (2009) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
GJ Witkamp (author)
Experiments and modelling of the solubility of cannabinoids in supercritical CO2
Abstract (2009) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
Experiments and modeling of cannabinoid solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide
Conference paper (2009) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
Geert Jan Witkamp (author)
Solubility of tetrahydrocannabinol in supercritical co2
Poster (2008) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
P Cabeza Perez (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
J. van Spronsen (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
GJ Witkamp (author)
Solubility of cannabinoids in supercritical co2
Abstract (2008) -
H. Perrotin-Brunel (author)
M.J.E. van der Kamp-van Roosmalen (author)
C.J. Peters (author)
R Verpoorte (author)
GJ Witkamp (author)