Sameer Alam
4 records found
Integrated air and space management
An agent-based simulation for analysis of space launch impact on air traffic
The recent surge in space launch activities, driven by the emergence of commercial space launches, has compelled the aviation and space launch sectors to collaborate for the safe and efficient integration of space launch activities. This paper introduces an agent-based modeling (
Integrated Air and Space Traffic Management
An Agent-Based Simulation for Analysis of Space-Launch Impact on Air Traffic
The recent surge in space launch activities, driven by the emergence of commercial space launches, has compelled the aviation and space launch sectors to collaborate for the safe and efficient integration of space launch activities. This paper introduces an agent-based modeling (
Safety is a top priority for civil aviation. Data mining in digital Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data, commonly referred to as black box data on aircraft, has gained interest for proactive safety management. New anomaly detection methods, primarily cl
Flight schedules are highly sensitive to delays and witness these events on a very frequent basis. In an interconnected and interdependent air transportation system, these delays can magnify and cascade as the flight itineraries progress, causing reactionary delays. The airlines,