The emergence of new kinds of micro-technologies, e.g., MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) devices, biomedical microma- chines, remote sensors, etc., has given rise to new approaches in battery development. The additional thesis contributes part of Finite Element Analysis of m
The emergence of new kinds of micro-technologies, e.g., MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) devices, biomedical microma- chines, remote sensors, etc., has given rise to new approaches in battery development. The additional thesis contributes part of Finite Element Analysis of microbatteries, to be specific, the trenched mirobatteries architecture. The project aims to perform a parametric study of micro-battery, including a python script implemented and an example of asymmetric trench model simulation. The python executable allows to run the parametric study in an automatic way. The asymmetric working example provides a generic trench model template.
The python executable consists of six functional blocks, namely: reading the input data from users, generating meshes with multiple parameters, splitting the interface nodes, refining the mesh files, running the simulations, and collecting the generic output parameter. Generating meshes allows users to create 2D triangle mesh with two parameters for a given geometry. Splitting the interface nodes uses a generic manner to split interfaces for an arbitrary structure. Once splitting interface is done, the executable is able to seek the new nodes on the interface and compile them in a prescribed fashion before simulation. Coming into the last part, the executable makes use of a set of external programs to run Jem-Jive carrying out the relative outcome. A simple case will go through every step how this script works, after which a more complicated model will be illustrated.
Generally, though taking the advantage of symmetry of trench makes the parametric study easier and straightforward to handle with, which only the half of trench is considered, an asymmetric trench model is more probable and realistic. An example is provided afterwards with five pillars which not only their length may vary, but imperfection is introduced here: pillars can be slightly inclined as well until they touch each other. An important property worth noticing is the top and bottom of the trench stay smoothie although inclination occurs and the neutral layer of pillar still remains the same length. The example gives a detailed universal geometric derivation and formulas with respect to heights and inclined angles, which are regarded as two relative variables implemented by the python executable mentioned above.