E. Paulssen

9 records found

Separating medical radionuclides from their targets is one of the most critical steps in radiopharmaceutical production. Among many separation methods, solvent extraction has a lot of potential due to its simplicity, high selectivity, and high efficiency. Especially with the rise ...
Medical isotope production of 11C is commonly performed in gaseous targets. The power deposition of the proton beam during the irradiation decreases the target density due to thermodynamic mixing and can cause an increase of penetration depth and divergence of the prot ...
In recent years, proton therapy has gained importance as a cancer treatment modality due to its conformality with the tumor and the sparing of healthy tissue. However, in the interaction of the protons with the beam line elements and patient tissues, potentially harmful secondary ...
Meitner-Auger-electron emitters have a promising potential for targeted radionuclide therapy of cancer because of their short range and the high linear energy transfer of Meitner-Auger-electrons (MAE). One promising MAE candidate is 197m/gHg with its half-life of 23.8 » h and 64. ...
Background: The radionuclide Ga-68 is commonly used in nuclear medicine, specifically in positron emission tomography (PET). Recently, the interest in producing Ga-68 by cyclotron irradiation of [68Zn]Zn nitrate liquid targets is increasing. However, current purificati ...
We present the production of 58mCo on a small, 13 MeV medical cyclotron utilizing a siphon style liquid target system. Different concentrated iron(III)-nitrate solutions of natural isotopic distribution were irradiated at varying initial pressures and subsequently sepa ...
In proton therapy, the dose from secondary neutrons to the patient can contribute to side effects and the creation of secondary cancer. A simple and fast detection system to distinguish between dose from protons and neutrons both in pretreatment verification as well as potentiall ...
New production routes for 99Mo are steadily gaining importance. However, the obtained specific activity is much lower than currently produced by the fission of U-235. To be able to supply hospitals with 99Mo/99mTc generators with the desired activ ...
Microfluidic synthesis techniques can offer improvement over batch syntheses which are currently used for radiopharmaceutical production. These improvements are, for example, better mixing of reactants, more efficient energy transfer, less radiolysis, faster reaction optimization ...