M.R. Schauer

14 records found


We construct a new class of efficient Monte Carlo methods based on continuous-time piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs) suitable for inference in high dimensional sparse models, i.e. models for which there is prior knowledge that many coordinates are likely to be e ...

A continuous-time Markov process X can be conditioned to be in a given state at a fixed time T>0 using Doob's h-transform. This transform requires the typically intractable transition density of X. The effect of the h-transform can be described as introducing a guiding forc ...

We introduce the use of the Zig-Zag sampler to the problem of sampling conditional diffusion processes (diffusion bridges). The Zig-Zag sampler is a rejection-free sampling scheme based on a non-reversible continuous piecewise deterministic Markov process. Similar to the Lévy– ...

Suppose X is a multidimensional diffusion process. Assume that at time zero the state of X is fully observed, but at time 0$ ]]> only linear combinations of its components are observed. That is, one only observes the vector for a given matrix L. In this paper we show how sa ...

According to both domain expert knowledge and empirical evidence, wavelet coefficients of real signals tend to exhibit clustering patterns, in that they contain connected regions of coefficients of similar magnitude (large or small). A wavelet de-noising approach that takes into ...
We consider a nonparametric Bayesian approach to estimate the diffusion coefficient of a stochastic differential equation given discrete time observations over a fixed time interval. As a prior on the diffusion coefficient, we employ a histogram-type prior with piecewise constant ...
Given discrete time observations over a fixed time interval, we study a nonparametric Bayesian approach to estimation of the volatility coefficient of a stochastic differential equation. We postulate a histogram-type prior on the volatility with piecewise constant realisations on ...

Estimation of parameters of a diffusion based on discrete time observations poses a difficult problem due to the lack of a closed form expression for the likelihood. From a Bayesian computational perspective it can be casted as a missing data problem where the diffusion bridge ...

A Monte Carlo method for simulating a multi-dimensional diffusion process conditioned on hitting a fixed point at a fixed future time is developed. Proposals for such diffusion bridges are obtained by superimposing an additional guiding term to the drift of the process under cons ...
We present a general framework for Bayesian estimation of incompletely observed multivariate diffusion processes. Observations are assumed to be discrete in time, noisy and incomplete. We assume the drift and diffusion coefficient depend on an unknown parameter. A data-augmentati ...
We consider the problem of nonparametric estimation of the drift of a continuously observed one-dimensional diffusion with periodic drift. Motivated by computational considerations, van der Meulen et al. (Comput Stat Data Anal 71:615–632, 2014) defined a prior on the drift as a r ...