Martin Janssens

7 records found


A new generation of operational atmospheric models operating at horizontal resolutions in the range 200 m up to ~ 2 km is becoming increasingly popular for operational use in numerical weather prediction and climate applications. Such grid spacings are becoming sufficiently fine ...
A new generation of operational atmospheric models operating at horizontal resolutions in the range 200 m ∼ 2 km is becoming increasingly popular for operational use in numerical weather prediction and climate applications. Such grid spacings are becoming sufficiently fine to res ...

Shallow cloud fields over the subtropical ocean exhibit many spatial patterns. The frequency of occurrence of these patterns can change under global warming. Hence, they may influence subtropical marine clouds’ climate feedback. While numerous metrics have been proposed to qua ...


Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and Growth in Aircraft Engine Plumes

Exploring the Limits of Classical Nucleation Theory and Thermodynamic Growth in a Dynamic Environment

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is a geoengineering method to mitigate the effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere, and to prevent further global warming. SAI does not reverse climate change, it merely counteracts its symptoms by offsett ...

Modelling of sulphuric acid aerosols in an engine plume

Using one-way-coupled turbulent diffusivity and appropriate microphysical models

This research investigates the formation, growth, and size distribution of H2SO4 aerosols in aircraft engine plumes. It aims to enhance calculations by incorporating spatial variation and turbulence modeling. The study develops a toolchain using AER 3-D software, sets up a CFD mo ...