12 records found
Electronic properties of Ce3+-doped Sr3Al2O5Cl2: A combined spectroscopic and theoretical study
Luminescence and X-ray absorption studies on 0.5% Ce3+ doped BaCa2MgSi2O8 phosphor
Luminescence and multi-step energy transfer in GdAl3(BO3)4 doped with Ce3+/Tb3
VUV-vis photoluminescence, X-ray radioluminescence and energy transfer dynamics of Ce3+ and Pr3+ doped LiCaBo3
High Light Yield of Sr8(Si4O12)Cl8:Eu2+ under X-ray Excitation and Its Temperature-Dependent Luminescence Characteristics
Enhanced Green Emission of Eu2+ by Energy Transfer from the 5D3 Level of Tb3+ in NaCaPO4
Luminescence of Ce3+ activated NaCaPO4 under VUV-UV and X-ray excitation
Luminescence of Ce3+ and Pr3+ doped Sr2Mg(BO3)2 under VUV¿UV and X-ray excitation
Ultraviolet-vacuum ultraviolet photoluminescence and x ray radioluminescence of Ce31-doped Ba3MgSi2O8
Photoluminescence and radioluminescence of pure and Ce3+ activated Na3Gd(PO4)2
Luminescence of Ce3+ at two different sites in alfa-Sr2P2O7 under vacuum ultraviolet-UV and x-ray excitation
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of aerobic and anaerobic chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae