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P. Wilders
Academic Work (23)
Other Roles (1)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (14)
Journal article (6)
Report (2)
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23 records found
Online Math Education (MUMIE) for Numerical Analysis and Linear Algebra
Report (2013) -
Kees Vuik (author)
F. Daalderop (author)
P. Wilders (author)
JPRB Daudt (author)
R. van Kints (author)
X. Wu (author)
K Koolstra (author)
J van den Oever (author)
B Lobbezoo (author)
FASTSIM2: a second order accurate frictional rolling contact algorithm
Journal article (2010) -
EAH Vollebregt (author)
P Wilders (author)
Flow estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin wave expansion
Report (2010) -
MA Badri (author)
P. Wilders (author)
AR Azimian (author)
On the coupling of uncoupled flow and transport solvers
Journal article (2007) -
F Naifar (author)
P Wilders (author)
A. W. Heemink (author)
Guus Stelling (author)
Simulation de la propagation des pollutants dans les zones cotieres
Conference paper (2004) -
F Naifar (author)
P. Wilders (author)
Post-arc computations on basis of a differential-algebraic system of index 2
Conference paper (2004) -
EPA van Lanen (author)
K. Dekker (author)
Lou van der van der Sluis (author)
P. Wilders (author)
A 2DH flexible finite volume solver for unstructured grids. Application to pollution along the Dutch coast
Conference paper (2004) -
F Naifar (author)
P. Wilders (author)
Towards a conservative and positive computation of pollutant transport
Conference paper (2004) -
F Naifar (author)
P. Wilders (author)
Simulation in a modeling course using an advanced surface flow package
Conference paper (2004) -
P. Wilders (author)
F Bervoets (author)
J ter Horst (author)
F Naifar (author)
An overview of ParCFD activities at Delft University of Technology
Conference paper (2002) -
P Wilders (author)
Bendiks Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
AW Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M.J.B.M. Pourquié (author)
Kees Vuik (author)
An overview of ParCFD activities at Delft University of Technology
Conference paper (2002) -
P Wilders (author)
Bendiks Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
AW Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M.J.B.M. Pourquié (author)
Kees Vuik (author)
A positive spatial advection scheme on unstructured meshes for tracer transport
Journal article (2002) -
P. Wilders (author)
G Fotia (author)
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics at Delft University; Some Examples.
Conference paper (2001) -
P. Wilders (author)
B. J. Jan Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
Arnold Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M Pourqieu (author)
Kees Vuik (author)
Parallel computational fluid dynamics at Delft Unversity of Technology, some examples.
Journal article (2001) -
P Wilders (author)
Bendiks Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
AW Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M.J.B.M. Pourquié (author)
Kees Vuik (author)
Flexible finite volumes for tracer transport in coastal regions
Conference paper (2001) -
S van der Baan (author)
P. Wilders (author)
F Naifar (author)
Parallel computational fluid dynamics at Delft University: some examples
Conference paper (2001) -
P. Wilders (author)
Bendiks J. Jan Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
Arnold Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M Pourquie (author)
Cornelis Vuik (author)
A positive spatial advection scheme on triangular meshes for tracer transport
Book chapter (2001) -
P. Wilders (author)
Parallel computational fluid dynamics at Delft University of Technology: some examples
Journal article (2001) -
P. Wilders (author)
Bendiks J. Jan Boersma (author)
JJ Derksen (author)
Arnold Heemink (author)
B Niceno (author)
M Pourquie (author)
Cornelis Vuik (author)
Parallel performance modeling of an implicit advection-diffusion solver
Conference paper (2000) -
P. Wilders (author)
Flexible finite volumes for tracer transport in coastal regions
Conference paper (2000) -
S van der Baan (author)
P. Wilders (author)